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Thanks 1 Million
for Vueling
This campaign was created for a Vueling contest in collaboration with XXL Comunicación. They wanted to thank the clients from the Vueling Punto Programme for being a million members now. The idea of the campaign is to Thanks1Million to that million of people who are part of it. For that, they created this fun and visual interactive site, where the participants could obtain points and change them for flights.
Kimi was a project developed in Complot (Escuela de Creativos, Barcelona), together with my teammates Maider Hernandorena and Leticia Martin. We developed an intelligence operating system for hotels. Watch this video, check an example of the prototype and you’ll be able to see how this service works.

Idea for Moritz
This is an idea for a campaign developed at Complot (Escuela de Creativos, Barcelona), where the objective was to give value to the street musicians. Through an interactive space at the website of Moritz and the use of API in a mobile phone, we meant to show these musicians while the participants enjoy de music and the brand’s product.
Pueblos descorazonados y corazones despoblados
This is a picture of the great Magnus Wennman. He inspired me so much when developing Huground. This project aims to helps the refugees. It consists in populating abandoned villages with people that need a place to live. All the villages that join this initiative would be recognized as one of the most human destinations to travel and discover, giving themselves value. It's just a dream for the moment. And sometimes dreams are not easy to achieve. But, never impossible.

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